Bankart lesions occur when there is a tear or detachment of the labrum. When this injury occurs there is a lot of instability of the shoulder joint. This can be caused by a dislocation.
Symptoms include:
-repeat dislocation
-shoulder pain
-a catching sensation
-instabilit especially when the arm is placed behind their head.
Treatment includes:
-rest and physical therapy
-surgical repair of the labrum which is generally done arthroscopically.
Diagnosis can be made via MRI or CT with MRI being the better test.
This was very interesting to me because as I was listening to the lecture, I felt that you were describing my symptoms with the exception of the dislocation. I injured my shoulder and whenever I tried to put my arm behind my head I felt as if it was going to dislocate. This had been going on since February of this year, it is slowly getting better. Did not ever have an actual diagnosis because I did not go to the doctor.
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